Archives: Departments

on the job 16 Nov
By: Danielle Walters 0

Employment Agencies Unit


This Unit monitors private employment agencies and ensures that they are registered and licensed to place persons in employment both locally and overseas. It also ensures that the agencies abide by the terms stipulated in the Employment Agencies Regulation Act. 


  1. Processing applications for licences to operate private employment agencies. 

Documents Required: 

  • Each applicant should ensure that he/she receives a Procedure Sheet indicating the following items and addresses specific to the entities to which payments should be made. 

Form 1 – Application form and receipt of payment. 

Form 2 – Surety Bond and receipt of payment [Required for overseas license only]. 

  • Proof of Jobs in the form of a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) for jobs in Canada and a petition for jobs in the United States as well as background information on the overseas partner. [All operators are required to submit contracts with foreign partners containing details about available jobs] 
  • Letter from the Trustee in Bankruptcy 
  • Letter from the Commissioner of Police  
  • Police record 
  • Completion of Background Information Sheet 
  • Business registration certificate 
  • Photo Identification 
  • Tax payer Registration Number  
  • Recent Utility Bill  
  • Passport size photograph 

 Candidates must: 

  • be over the age of 25 
  • be a Jamaican national or 
  • possess a Work Permit relating to the activity or 
  • be a CARICOM National (under the rights of establishment) 
  • have a physical place of business as required by Law 

How to Access the Service: 

  • The prescribed forms are to be completed and signed by the applicant and the relevant fees paid at the island’s Collectorates. [Stamp & Tax Offices] 
  • All supporting documents must also be attached. 
  • Each additional location must have its own individual license 

How the Service Operates: 

  • Applicants are required to attend an interview with a compliance officer in the Employment Agencies Unit and submit the required documents verifying the registration of their business and proof of jobs. 
  • Individual fees are then paid to the relevant collection authorities. 
  • All receipts and supporting documents are submitted to the Employment Agencies Unit and an inspection of the premises is done to ascertain suitability.  
  • Inspection reports and documents are reviewed then sent to the Licensing Officer [Permanent Secretary] for final decision 
  • The applicant is advised of the outcome and if granted the licence may be collected personally or by an authorized individual. 

 Key Information: 

 The licensing fee which is paid at the Inland Revenue Department  under the Act is: 

$15,000 JMD for overseas placement 

$10,000 JMD for local placement 

$5,000   JMD for renewal of the licence 

  • A security bond of $500,000 JMD must be furnished and a stamp duty of $7,500 JMD paid.  
  • All documents are accessible at the Ministry of Labour  and Social Security, 1F North Street, Kingston  or at any Parish Office island wide.  [The Form 1 and 2 are also available online] 
  • An application is not considered complete and will not be accepted until ALL the required documents are submitted. 
  • Processing time of an application – maximum 30 working days. 
  • All approved agencies are listed on the MLSS website at and the  LMIS website at 
  • Registration fees charged by employment agencies may not exceed $2,500 JMD for a 12 month period. 
  • Placement fees charged by overseas employment agencies may not exceed $45,000 JMD. 
  • Placement fees charged by local employment agencies may not exceed a one time deduction of 1/3 of the first week’s pay 
  • It is important to note that if the applicant is given a job but is refused entry (visa denial) into the country or cancelled for any reason the agency must refund no less than 75% of the placement fee. 



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16 Nov
By: cirkamlssadmin 0

Family Services Unit


Visit and assess the families of migrant workers financial and emotional needs

Benefits Provided (where applicable)

  • Access financial and emotional support for families of migrant workers
  • Assist at risk families to become self-sufficient

Documents/Criteria Required for the Provision of Services

Migrant worker should actively be participating on the MLSS programmes

How the Service Operates

  • Social Workers in the parishes visits a family once the migrant worker is overseas
  • An evaluation of the family is done and assistance offered where necessary

Information Customer Service Officer should be able to provide about the Dept.

Financial support is sought for children of migrant workers and not necessarily for spouses

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16 Nov
By: cirkamlssadmin 0

Overseas Employment

US & Canadian Farm Work

Hotel workers preparing to board flight at the Norman Manley International Airport.

Canadian Farm and Factory Work Programme

Opportunity for gainful employment overseas.

US Farm Work Programme

Employment on farms, greenhouses, nurseries/horticulture, general farm work.

Documents/Criteria Required for the Provision of Services


  • Be between 21 and 45 years old
  • Be literate
  • Be in good health
  • Have valid passport, TRN and NIS

Must Not:

  • Have a criminal record
  • Have been deported by any country
  • Have been refused a visa in the last year by Canada, USA or any other country

* Farming experience is required.

How to Apply for Benefits/Services

Generally when a recruitment exercise is to be carried out the Minister makes an announcement in Parliament.


Application forms are issued to suitable candidates through:

  • Members of Parliament
  • Mayors
  • Councilors
  • MLSS Parish Offices
  • Civic Organizations

How the Service Operates

Forms are issued and returned to the Ministry of Labour to be processed.


MLSS contacts applicants to advise them of the date, time and place of their interview.


Successful candidates are screened for criminal records. If security checks are cleared then candidates are informed of date scheduled for medical.


After medical is completed and workers are found to be in good health, international security checks are carried out by the High Commission of Canada. Subsequently, workers are placed with an employer and then called to attend the Visa Application Centre (VAC) to have their biometrics done. This involves the applicants having their photograph and fingerprints taken electronically.


Applications are submitted for the issuance of the visa at the VAC when the biometrics are taken.


For the US Programme workers are dispatched to their employers shortly after the medical. After visas are issued, workers are prepared for flight and dispatched to their various employers.

Any Other Key Information

Application forms are NOT FOR SALE


Recruitment is conducted based on the demands of overseas employers

United States Hospitality Programme

Hotel Workers preparing to board flight at the Norman Manley International Airport

Employment in United States Hotels to perform duties as housekeepers, waiters, kitchen stewards, landscapers etc.

Documents/Criteria Required for the Provision of Services


  • Be between 21 and 45 years old
  • Be literate
  • Be in good health
  • Have valid passport, TRN and NIS
  • Have 1 year experience in the leisure industry

Must Not:

  • Have a criminal record
  • Have been deported by any country
  • Have been refused a visa in the last year by Canada, USA or any other country

How to Apply for Benefits/Services

Occasionally advertisements seeking suitable applicants for specific positions are placed in the press.


Persons who are interested in the available positions are required to submit detailed resumes to MLSS, outlining:

  • Area of interest
  • Experience
  • Qualification
  • Education/ training


A letter of recommendation from employer is required for verification of experience

How the Service Operates
  • Employers express interest in recruiting hospitality workers.
  • If an adequate amount of workers are not readily available, advertisements are placed in the press to attract suitably qualified individuals.
  • Candidates are pre-screened and short listed.
  • Interviews are held with employers
  • Successful candidates are issued job offer letters.
  • Medicals are completed and embassy appointments made
  • Once the visa is issued workers are dispatched to the various employers

Information Customer Service Officer should be able to provide about the Dept.
    • Current vacancies
    • Requirements
    • Date of current interview
    • At each stage of the process the relevant departments will contact persons by phone and advise them of date for medical and time of departure.

Any Other Key Information

Recruitment is conducted based on demand




Health and Death benefits to the sick or injured migrant workers and their families.

Benefits Provided (where applicable)
  • Assist with getting follow up health care for sick and injured migrant workers on the Canadian Farm & Factory work, the US Farm work and the US Hotel programmes.
  • Assist with accessing overseas pension benefits to persons on the Canadian programmes
  • Assist with accessing death benefits for families of deceased migrant workers

How the Service Operates
  • Welfare officer submits documents to the respective departments and or organization and follow up on progress of these.
  • Deceased migrant workers bodies are repatriated under the supervision of the Liaison Service
  • Welfare Officer and Social Worker liaise with family members to offer emotional support

Any Other Key Information

NIS benefits are accessible by persons who have participated in the programme since 1980 for US workers and 1984 for Canadian workers.

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16 Nov
By: cirkamlssadmin 0

Electronic Labour Exchange


The Electronic Labour Exchange operates a job matching system which links prospective employers with employees through a web-based medium. The Electronic Labour Exchange is the core of the Labour Market Information System (LMIS) which provides both online and offline services to job seekers and employers at no cost to them. These services include career counselling, résumé writing, interview and job search techniques and the provision of labour market information to satisfy the needs of job seekers and employers. Job seekers in Kingston and its environs have access to computers in the Labour Exchange Centre to conduct job searches, post résumés and apply for jobs. Those in other parts of the country can visit any of the Ministry’s parish offices for assistance. Employers who are interested in using the service can post vacancies online or inform the Ministry via telephone. Conference rooms to conduct screening of candidates are also available at the Kingston, Manchester and St. Ann regional offices. Career guidance is also provided in all regional offices through workshops or one-on-one sessions.

Online Services for Job Seekers
  • Post and edit résumés
  • Search and apply for vacant positions

Documents Required:

  • 2 letters of recommendation, one from the last employer and the other from a JP, superintendent of police or a pastor
  • NIS card
  • Tax-payer Registration Number
  • Résumé, certificate or other

How to Access the Service:

  • Post résumés and vacancies online at
  • Ministry of Labour and Social Security offices island wide
  • Any branch of the Jamaica Library Service

Online Services for Employers
  • Ability to post and edit vacancies
  • Access to a database of skilled workers
  • Ability to search for and select candidates
  • Advertise jobs on the LMIS website

Offline Services
  • Computer facilities at the North St. Office
  • Career guidance
  • Screening and short listing of candidates for employers
  • Guidance to employers on how to post job vacancies
  • Conference room facilities at the North Street, Mandeville and St. Ann’s Bay offices
  • Referrals of job seekers to other institutions which may be better able to meet their immediate needs
  • Workshops and presentations across the island to increase public awareness of the services offered by the Electronic Labour Exchange

Canadian Fast Food Sector


Employment in fast food franchises across Canada.

Benefits Provided (where applicable)

Provides employment in the food service industry in the capacity of chef, counter/customer service supervisors

Documents/Criteria Required for the Provision of Services
  • Detailed résumé
  • References with contact numbers

How to Apply for Benefits/Services

Generally advertisements seeking applicants for certain positions are placed in the press.


Interested persons are asked to submit a detailed résumé outlining:

  • Area of interest
  • Experience
  • Qualification
  • Experience/ training
  • At least 2 references with contact numbers

How the Service Operates
  • Résumés are sent to Canadian employers who indicate an interest in particular candidates
  • Employers may require that an on-line assessment be completed by the candidate (Tim Hortons)
  • Candidates are short listed and interviews conducted either face to face if the employer visits Jamaica or using SKYPE
  • Employers select suitable candidates for jobs
  • Medical is completed and documents sent to Canadian High Commission for issuance of visa
  • Upon issuance of visa, successful candidates are processed for flight and dispatched to employer(s)

Information Customer Service Officer Should be Able to Provide About the Dept.
  • Current vacancies
  • Requirements

Canadian Skilled Workers Programme

Benefits Provided (where applicable)

Provides employment in large establishments in Canadian transportation sector in the capacity as Heavy Duty Mechanics, Trailer Drivers and Welders

Documents/Criteria Required for the Provision of Services
  • Detailed résumé
  • References with contact numbers

How to Apply for Benefits/Services

Generally advertisements seeking applicants for certain positions are placed in the press.


Interested persons are asked to submit a detailed résumé outlining:

  • Area of interest
  • Experience
  • Qualification
  • Experience/training
  • At least 2 references with contact numbers

How the Service Operates
  • Résumés are sent to Canadian employers who indicate an interest in particular candidates
  • Candidates are short listed and interviews conducted by employer
  • Persons who are required to sit the Red Seal Examination undertake a refreshers course
  • Persons who have not completed high school must pursue upgrading course to gain high school diploma
  • Drivers are evaluated
  • Successful candidates are given an orientation session which prepares them to work in Canada
  • The required documents sent to Canadian High Commission for issuance of visa
  • Upon issuance of visa, successful candidates are processed for flight and dispatched to employer(s)

Information Customer Service Officer Should be Able to Provide About the Dept.
  • Current vacancies
  • Requirements

Electronic Labour Exchange Website

The Electronic Labour Exchange operates a job matching system which links prospective employers with employees through a web-based medium.
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16 Nov
By: cirkamlssadmin 0

Occupational Safety and Health Department

Occupational Safety and Health Department (OSHD)

This Department is responsible for monitoring and enforcing the Factories Act and its accompanying Regulations. It encourages the promotion and maintenance of minimum occupational safety and health (OSH) standards for the protection of all workers. With the support and guidance of the International Labour Organization (ILO) through its Conventions, Declarations, Legislations and Programmes, the Department prescribes standards and policies aimed at achieving acceptable working conditions that are conducive to protecting workers while maintaining productivity and competitiveness. There is a direct correlation between prosperous nations and high standards of occupational safety and health (Sweden Oslo, 1998). This concept has been integrated within the four strategic pillars of the ILO’s “Decent work Agenda” that includes ”a safe work environment” as one of the core labour elements required for achieving fair globalization and poverty reduction.

Operations of OSHD

The main focus of the Department is the promotion and enforcement of the Factories Act and its associated Regulations. This is achieved through the inspection of factories, docks and cargo vessels, building operations and works of engineering construction, as well as investigating accidents that occur in these institutions. With the impending passage of Jamaica’s Occupational Safety and Health Bill that should canvass all branches of economic activity the Department since 2007 has been promoting its Voluntary Compliance Program (VCP) as the means through which organisations can prepare to satisfy the requirements under this new regime. Enrolment in VCP allows entities the opportunity to achieve the requisite standards promulgated by the OSH Bill, with the assistance of the OSHD.

Please click below to download a copy of the OSH Bill:

The Occupational Safety and Health Act (2017)

Main Services

1. Registration of Factories

To register a factory, owner or manager must first download the Application Form for Factory Registration along with schedule for scale of fees from the Occupational Safety and Health download page under the resource center menu. Secondly, complete the form and pay the prescribed fee at the nearest Tax Administration of Jamaica Collectorate or online using the Tax Administration of Jamaica’s website. The instructions for making an online payment can be downloaded from the resource center. Finally, submit the completed form and receipt of payment to the OSHD at 1F North Street, Kingston by post, fax or email.

Thereafter, an unannounced inspection will be conducted of the factory. Safety, health and welfare conditions are assessed for compliance with the Factories Act & Regulations. A Certificate of Registration is issued if the findings of the safety & health Inspection reveal that there is no imminent risk of bodily injury from the plant or process. The Certificate is valid for three (3) years.


2. Investigation of industrial accidents

Where an industrial accident occurs, the OSHD must be immediately notified. An Inspector then visits the workplace and conducts an accident investigation, after which the recommendations for corrective action is communicated to the Owner/Manager.

3. Approval of factory building plans

Building plans for the construction or alteration of factories must be submitted to the OSHD for approval, before submission to the relevant Municipal Corporation. A completed Building Plan Approval Form and at least three (3) copies of such plans must be submitted to the Regional Offices or North Street Head Office for review. If any amendments are required, the applicant will be informed. On approval, the plans will be stamped and signed approved and at least two (2) copies will be returned to the applicant.

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16 Nov
By: cirkamlssadmin 0

HIV Unit


As the implementing vehicle for the National Workplace Policy on HIV and AIDS, the HIV Unit within the Occupational Safety and Health Department is mandated to reduce stigma and discrimination against persons living with and affected by HIV in the workplace.

This is achieved by the provision of a responsive legal redress framework, which is both accessible and ensures confidentiality in treating with HIV-related discrimination in the workplace.


Under the HIV component of the Ministry’s Voluntary Compliance Programme, the Unit assists organizations with the tailoring of their HIV Workplace Polices and Programmes. This in turn assists organizations with fulfilling the requirements of the pending Occupational Safety and Health Act including subject specific regulations.

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Students at the Abilities Foundation engaged in Furniture Making classes. 16 Nov
By: cirkamlssadmin 0

Abilities Foundation of Jamaica Limited

Students at the Abilities Foundation engaged in Furniture Making classes.

Skills Training for Persons with Disabilities


Our Mission is to provide quality vocational education to Persons with Disabilities to enable them to function as creative and productive citizens


  • The Abilities Foundation is a registered voluntary organization and a community Training Intervention Institution with Heart Trust/NTA. The Foundation was established in October 5, 1992 as a result of passionate lobbying efforts of members of the disabled community in Jamaica who recognized the need for a specialized vocational education and training programme to serve all types of disabilities. Its existence is a collaborative effort of the Ministry of Labour and Social Security.

Objective of the Organization

  • To increase the employability of Persons with Disabilities


  • To teach young adults with disabilities good work ethics and to facilitate their social and emotional readjustment to ensure effective integration into the wider society


Persons with Disabilities are among some of the most socially and economically disadvantaged in the Jamaican society and the foundation seeks to enable them to develop their full potential.


Training Programme


  • Housekeeping
  • Furniture Making
  • Data Operations Level 1 and Level 2
  • Design and Decor/Soft Furnishing
  • Horticulture and Landscaping
  • Customer Service Level 2 (NCTVET)
  • Cosmetology- Nails Technology and Makeup Artistry (Specialized 7-month course)

In addition, we offer a functional Life Skills curriculum which focuses on the trainees’ transition to the work force, Remedial English and Mathematics, Money Awareness and Money management.

Job Coaching and job placement are also offered free of cost to students at the completion of their training. We have implemented a tracking system to monitor students after graduating from the institution. Professional days are highlighted when students are given professional development seminars from industry professionals.

For further information on the registration process and other services, please visit link :

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JCPD Media Launch 2017 16 Nov
By: cirkamlssadmin 0

Jamaica Council for Persons with Disabilities

The Jamaica Council for Persons with Disabilities (JCPD) is responsible for the implementation of policies and programmes for PwDs. The current mandate of the Council is to promote the protection of the rights of PwDs while facilitating their educational, social and economic development.

The Council seeks to empower those with disability, by promoting independence through training and development. The Council works closely with other government and non-government agencies to ensure improved quality of life and independence for PwDs.

The Council assists these persons with skills training and self-help projects, so that they can earn an income.

To receive a service or benefit, PwDs must be registered with the JCPD.

Unregistered PwDs must obtain a medical form from the JCPD or a Social Worker in the Parish Office, which should be completed by their Medical Doctor verifying their disability. The form is to be returned to the JCPD’s Head Office or to a Social Worker in the Parish Office where the registration process is completed.

Jamaica Council for Persons With Disability

Refer to Our Website for More Information
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