Archives: News

21 Aug
By: MLSS PR Unit 0

Charles Jr fulfils commitment to Inclusive Farmwork programme

labour ministry with coat of arms

Public Relations Unit

1F North Street, Kingston

Tel: (876) 967-5484

Fax: (876) 948-2831


From L-R: Newest farmworkers being deployed to Canada, Hon Pearnel Charles Jr, Minister of Labour and Social Security, Mrs Miller Stennett, Senior Director Manpower Services, Mr. Delroy Palmer, Director Overseas Employment Programme.

Charles Jr fulfils commitment to Inclusive Farmwork programme

Kingston, Jamaica, August 21, 2024


Following his 2023, Ministerial visit to Canda to meet with primary stakeholders in the farmwork programme, Minister of Labour and Social Security, Hon. Pearnel Charles Jr is making good on his commitment.

While visiting farms in Nova Scotia in 2023, he discussed with employers there the possibility of diversifying the programme to include roles for employment for persons with disabilities.

Less than a year later the Minister has made good on his promise and this morning, two male farmworkers who were selected for this purpose were sent off. This is in keeping with the No One Left Behind Programme which was recently instituted by Minister Charles Jr.

Minister Charles Jr joined his team on location at the Ministry’s East Street Office yesterday, to give a charge to the newest batch of farmworkers being assessed with the new and improved systems now in place and to give a warm send off to the two newest farmworkers.

Charles Jr said, “The farmwork programme opens a door for opportunities for generations to come.  As ambassadors to Jamaica, it is important to maintain the integrity of the programme and to garner additional opportunities for growth. Your actions while on this programme can make or break future opportunities for your fellow Jamaicans, so I implore you to be your brother’s keeper so you can open the door for further employment for other Jamaicans. I am now in talks which I hope will result in a programme where we can establish farms for you once you return as you would have knowledge that our farmers here don’t and sharing your new skillsets with them would be beneficial. Remember that you are ambassadors for your country on this programme and its future depends on you.”

The Jamaican Liaison Service continues to look for additional opportunities to expand the reach of the No One Left Behind Programme encouraging employers to engage these persons and support this initiative.

The Ministry of Labour and Social Security continues its ongoing efforts to grow the Overseas Employment Programme, by strengthening stakeholder relationships, continuously improving the offerings delivered by the liaison service and securing additional protection to and opportunities for our farm workers.



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By: MLSS PR Unit 0

Jamaica Liaison Service Fetes Farmworkers In Canada

labour ministry with coat of arms

Corporate Communications and Public Relations Unit,

1F North Street, Kingston



Friday, August 9, 2024


Jamaica Liaison Service Fetes Farmworkers In Canada

KINGSTON, Jamaica. The Jamaican Liaison Service (JLS) in Canada, a programme of the Ministry of Labour and Social Security is currently holding a series of social engagements in all provinces with Jamaican workers, to recognize Jamaican farm workers and their employers. The engagements include a range of activities including fun days, domino tournaments, cook outs, barbecues and football competitions. So far, events have been held in Niagara, Simcoe and Tillsonburg in Ontario, with over 300 workers and several employers in attendance.

Attendees have shared positive feedback on the events during which several farmworkers were recognized for years of service and their invaluable contribution to the programme’s growth and expansion.

Sharing his sentiments on the engagement series, one employer described the move as ‘most refreshing’. He said “in years gone by, I regularly attended functions geared towards showing appreciation for employers. However, this is the first time I have seen events focusing on getting workers involved and demonstrating a sense of gratitude for them. This will be good for morale.”

The farmworkers are indicating a renewed sense of integration with the Liaison Service, and that they now feel “seen, appreciated and recognized”. Several have expressed the view that the move is a good one as it allows them to interact with fellow Jamaicans from nearby farms and create the opportunity to relax and chat with the team of Liaison Officers on a different level.

According to a farmworker from a farm in Simcoe, he has seen positive changes in the Liaison Service, with more frequent and more interactive visits from his Liaison Officer.

Minister of Labour and Social Security, Hon Pearnel Charles Jr., commended the Permanent Secretary, Mrs. Colette Roberts Risden, and the Liaison Service for introducing this initiative. “Engagements of this kind allow farmworkers a forum in which they can connect with their Liaison Officers outside of formal meetings in more relaxed spaces, which we hope will enable them to foster better relationships.”

According to Acting Chief Liaison Officer, Mrs. Althea Riley, the series of social events is part of a comprehensive plan to enhance service delivery to the farmworkers in Canada, and to safeguard their welfare. To date, five (5) events have been held, with the most recent being held in British Colombia on Jamaica’s Independence Day, August 6.

The JLS continues its work to identify additional possibilities for partnerships to boost relations with stakeholders and facilitate the longevity of the Overseas Employment Programme.


A group of men sitting around a wooden table playing dominos with a group of onlookers behind them

Jamaican farmworkers in Canada enjoy a game of dominoes during a social event, held by the Jamaica Liaison Service at Townsend Fruit Farm on July 7, 2024. More than 400 workers from the Simcoe Area of Ontario participated in the event.

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31 Jul
By: MLSS PR Unit 0

NIS and Social Pension Beneficiaries: Beware of Text Message Scams

labour ministry with coat of arms

Corporate Communications and Public Relations Unit,

1F North Street, Kingston


Thursday, July 25, 2024


NIS and Social Pension Beneficiaries: Beware of Text Message Scams

The Ministry of Labour and Social Security advises all NIS and Social Pension beneficiaries to be aware of scams circulating via text messages (SMS), advising recipients that their pension benefits have been suspended, and requesting updating of banking information.

Pensioners are being alerted that these message are part of a scam and are not from the Ministry. Pensioners are being cautioned against sharing banking information or any other personal details via text message, internet links, or other means and to report such requests to the police immediately.

Pensioners who have concerns about their pension benefits are invited to contact the Ministry of Labour and Social Security directly by calling the Customer Contact Centre at 876-922-8000-13 or by visiting the Ministry’s office in their parish.

The Ministry encourages all its clients to stay vigilant and protect their personal information from scammers.

This message is brought to you by the Ministry of Labour and Social Security, the Peoples’ Ministry, Providing Opportunity, Stability and Social Protection, Leaving no one behind.




Contact: MLSS PR Unit (876) 676-5672, (876) 676-5674|Email:
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By: MLSS PR Unit 0

Minister Charles Jr. Announces Billion Dollar Hurricane Beryl Relief Plan

labour ministry with coat of arms

Corporate Communications and Public Relations Unit,

1F North Street, Kingston



Thursday, July 25, 2024


Minister Charles Jr. Announces Billion Dollar Hurricane Beryl Relief Plan

Labour Minister, the Hon. Pearnel Charles Jr., announced a one-Billion-dollar disaster relief plan to assist Jamaicans affected by the recent passage of Hurricane Beryl, which battered southern parishes of the island on July 3. Speaking in the Houses of Parliament on Tuesday, July 24, Minister Charles Jr outlined several measures and new initiatives to support the households impacted by the hurricane.

“Madam Speaker, based on the damage assessments completed so far, we project that approximately 8,700 houses island-wide will require some level of government support for recovery and rebuilding,” Minister Charles Jr stated.

Emergency grants will be provided to homeowners based on the level of damage sustained. Homeowners whose properties suffered minor damage will receive grants of up to $50,000.00, while those with severe damage will receive up to $150,000.00. Householders whose homes were completely destroyed will receive grants of up to $400,000.00.

The Minister noted that assessments are expected to be completed within another two weeks. “We are in the final stages of the household assessment exercise, but we recognize that there may be instances where our teams will need to engage with some remaining households.”

The Minister invited affected persons to contact the Ministry, either through the parish offices or by calling the Customer Contact Centre at 876-922-8000-13. Further he called on fellow Jamaicans to assist in identifying persons who may have been affected by the hurricane but have not yet been assisted or assessed.

Minister Charles Jr also shared that existing social programmes within the Ministry will be leveraged to provide relief to the affected population. Grants will be provided to micro-business operators who have suffered damage to their businesses. Under the, Grants will also be provided to tertiary-level students from severely impacted households through the Social Intervention Programme.


Minister of Labour and Social Security, Hon. Pearnel Charles Jr., presents his Ministry’s disaster relief plans to assist Jamaicans affected by Hurricane Beryl to the members of the House of Representatives at Gordon House in Kingston on July 23.


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By: MLSS PR Unit 0

Labour Minister Strengthens Support for Farm Workers through MOU with JN Money Services Canada

labour ministry with coat of arms

Corporate Communications and Public Relations Unit,

1F North Street, Kingston



July 25, 2024


Labour Minister Strengthens Support for Farm Workers through MOU with JN Money Services Canada

The Ministry of Labour and Social Security signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with JN Money Services Canada Limited (JNMSCA), on July 23, 2024, a demonstration of partnership and collaboration.

The signing ceremony, led by the Jamaica Liaison Service in Canada, took place at the Ministry’s North Street office and marked a significant step in supporting Jamaican farmworkers in Canada. Minister of Labour and Social Security, the Honourable Pearnel Charles Jr., expressed deep gratitude to JN Money Services (JNMS) for their longstanding contributions over the years. “This MOU concretizes a strong, sustainable, and effective partnership that will benefit our farm workers by providing essential social support,” he said.

Under the agreement, the Jamaica Liaison Service (JLS) will provide temporary occupation and office space to Jamaica National Money Services Canada (JNMSCA), facilitating the delivery of their services to seasonal workers in Canada. In addition, JLS and JNMSCA will engage in information sharing and joint initiatives to promote the overall welfare of farm workers in Canada.

Horace Hines, General Manager of JNMS, emphasized that this collaboration aligns with JNMS’s mandate to enhance the lives of farmers. “We understand the challenges of farming, and we aim to promote financial literacy to help farmers structure their lives and fully reap the benefits of their hard work.”

With over 30 years of experience in money transfer and remittance services, JNMSCA has been a reliable partner to the Caribbean Diaspora in the United States, United Kingdom, Cayman Islands, and Canada, serving over 9,000 migrant and temporary foreign workers.


Minister of Labour and Social Security, the Honourable Pearnel Charles Jr. (second left) and Horace Hines, General Manager of JN Money Services Canada (second right), sign the Memorandum of Understanding on July 23, 2024. Looking on are Permanent Secretary (left), Mrs. Colette Roberts Risden and Ms. Cedrieka Reid (right), Marketing Manager, JN Money Services.



Contact: MLSS Communication Unit|Tel: (876) 676-5672, (876) 676-5674|Email:
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07 Jun
By: MLSS PR Unit 0

Charles Jr Outlines Strategic Priorities for National Insurance Fund (NIF)

labour ministry with coat of arms

Public Relations Unit

1F North Street, Kingston

Tel: (876) 967-5484

Fax: (876) 948-2831



Charles Jr Outlines Strategic Priorities for National Insurance Fund (NIF)

Kingston, Jamaica, June 6, 2024
Minister Pearnel Charles Jr. recently announced the strategic priorities for the National Insurance Fund (NIF) in delivering his sectoral presentation. These initiatives underscore the Government of Jamaica’s commitment to enhancing the sustainability and efficiency of
Jamaica’s social security infrastructure. In his delivery the Minister said, “for this upcoming year, the National Insurance Fund
intends to focus on several high-priority areas, including:

  • Continued Reform for Maximizing Returns: The NIF is engaged in its ongoing reform efforts aimed to maximize investment returns with a view to maximizing the rate of return on investments to ensure the long-term financial stability of the Fund and its ability to provide sustainable benefits to Jamaican citizens.
  • Revised Investment Policy for Risk Management: A revised investment policy will be implemented to minimize risk exposure and ensure long-term sustainability and facilitate the optimizing of investment opportunities while maintaining prudent risk management practices.
  • Realignment of Real Estate Portfolio: The NIF will undertake a realignment of its real estate portfolio, including the divestment of low-yielding and non-performing assets to enhance the Fund’s investment strategy and improve overall portfolio performance.
  • Infrastructure Investments: The NIF has allocated funds for strategic infrastructure investments, including a $209 million renovation of the Kingston and St. Andrew Parish Office on Ripon Road. Additionally, architectural design and plans for new NIS offices and a Government Services Centre in May Pen, Clarendon, have been budgeted at approximately $26.2 million.
  • Compliance with Disabilities Act: To ensure compliance with the Disabilities Act and related building regulations, the NIF will invest $35 million to improve investment properties within its portfolio.

Further Minister Charles Jr. added, “The strategic priorities outlined for the National Insurance Fund reflect our commitment to sound financial management and the provision of quality services to Jamaican citizens. By prioritizing investment reform, infrastructure
upgrades, and compliance initiatives, we are laying the foundation for a more resilient and inclusive social security system.”

These initiatives align with the Ministry of Labour and Social Security’s overarching mission to enhance social protection mechanisms and promote the well-being of all Jamaicans.

The ministry reiterates our tireless commitment to continue our ongoing work to upgrade our systems and refine our strategic processes and initiatives as we become more efficient in the delivery of our services.



Contact: MLSS Communication Unit (876) 967-5484
1F North Street| Email:
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By: MLSS PR Unit 0

Ministry of Labour and Social Security Honours Lynden Gladstone Newland

labour ministry with coat of arms

Public Relations and Communication Unit,

1F North Street, Kingston



Friday, May 24, 2024


Ministry of Labour and Social Security Honours Lynden Gladstone Newland

The Ministry of Labour and Social Security on Wednesday unveiled a bust in honour of Lynden Gladstone Newland, a Jamaican legend and pioneer in the field of labour and social security.

Newland’s legacy includes co-founding the Jamaica Labour Party and serving as Minister of Labour and National Insurance from 1962-1972, where he introduced the National Insurance Scheme, a groundbreaking initiative that continues to provide financial security for Jamaican families.

The ceremony was held in recognition of Newland’s contribution to our social security net as the founding father of the NIS – a testament to his vision to boosting Jamaica’s development and his commitment to public service.

Held at the Ministry’s headquarters, the unveiling was attended by Prime Minister the Most Honourable Andrew Holness, ON, PC, MP. Minister of Culture, Gender, Entertainment and Sport the Honourable Olivia Grange, MP, OJ, CD, Minister of Labour and Social Security, the Honourable Pearnel Charles Jr., MP, JP and Minister of State in the Ministry of Labour and Social Security, Dr. the Honourable Norman Dunn, MP. Other attendees included government officials, labour leaders, and members of the Newland family.

Prime Minister the Most Honourable Andrew Holness delivered the keynote address where he highlighted the synergy between Lynden’s actions and his administration. The Prime Minister said, “one of the primary goals of my administration is to establish a stable and robust macroeconomic environment with fiscal certainty. This my fellow Jamaicans will support employment and income generation, capital investment, and increased economic activity. Our focus is not on boasting about statistics, but on creating economic surpluses that enable your government to do more and more for the benefit of the Jamaican people.”

Minister Charles Jr. brought greetings and shared that, “the unveiling of this bust is a fitting tribute to L.G. Newland’s enduring legacy and his profound impact on Jamaican society. We honour his memory and continue to build upon his achievements to create a more just and equitable society for all.”

The National Insurance Scheme is administered under the National Insurance Act and provides vital financial protection against the loss of income due to injury, sickness, retirement, or the unfortunate death of a breadwinner.

The Ministry of Labour and Social Security continues its tireless journey to transform and improve Social Security systems, to empower our workforce, and create a more just and equitable society for all.


The Most Hon. Andrew Holness, Prime of Jamaica (front right) exchanges thoughts with Hon. Pearnel Charles Jr., Minister of Labour & Social Security (l) during the unveiling ceremony of a bust of Former Minister of National Insurance, Mr. Lynden Newland on May 22, 2024. The ceremony was held in observance of Workers’ Week.



All smile in excitement as the Most Hon. Andrew Holness, Prime of Jamaica (front centre) and the Hon. Pearnel Charles Jr. (behind the Prime Minister) unveiled the bust of Mr Lynden Newland, Former Minister of Labour and National Insurance, at the Ministry’s Heroes Circle Office in Kingston on May 22, 2024. The ceremony was held as part of Workers’ Week observance.


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By: MLSS PR Unit 0

Dr. Dunn Urges New JPC Advisory Board to Focus on Tangible Outcomes for Jamaica’s Economic Productivity

labour ministry with coat of arms

Public Relations and Communication Unit,

1F North Street, Kingston



Wednesday, November 8, 2023


Dr. Dunn Urges New JPC Advisory Board to Focus on Tangible Outcomes for Jamaica’s Economic Productivity

The Ministry of Labour and Social Security is pleased to announce a significant development as Dr. the Hon. Norman Dunn, Minister of State in the Ministry of Labour and Social Security, delivered an inspiring address to the newly appointed Advisory Board of the Jamaica Productivity Centre (JPC) during their inaugural board meeting on Friday, November 3.

The meeting, which took place at the Ministry’s Heroes Circle Office in Kingston, marks the dawn of a dynamic, results-oriented strategy aimed at enhancing productivity and fostering economic growth throughout Jamaica.

Under the capable leadership of Chairman Mr. Omar Azan, the recently formed Advisory Board is composed of distinguished policy oriented research professionals with extensive experience in productivity, business development, research, digitalization, and organizational efficiency. Their collective expertise uniquely positions them to steer the JPC in fulfilling its mission of cultivating a culture of productivity and economic prosperity across the nation.

Minister of State Dr. Norman Dunn, in his address to the board, underscored the urgent need for concrete, measurable outcomes to address the challenges faced by various sectors in Jamaica. He emphasized that the JPC’s role extends beyond promoting productivity as a mere concept; it is dedicated to delivering practical and actionable solutions that enhance economic mobility, boost efficiency, and elevate the quality of life for all Jamaican citizens.

Minister Dunn emphasized, “We must move swiftly beyond theory and rhetoric and focus on achieving tangible results for productivity and transformation, in Jamaica. The Advisory Board, under the stewardship of Mr. Azan, bears the significant responsibility of translating ideas into actions that will benefit our nation. We aim to create a lasting impact on the productivity landscape, commencing with our students in schools especially.”

The Ministry of Labour and Social Security acknowledges the pivotal role played by the JPC in building a competitive and prosperous economy and improving the quality of life for all Jamaican citizens. Minister of State Dr. Norman Dunn reaffirmed the Ministry’s full support for the JPC’s objectives and commitment to providing the necessary resources to achieve measurable results.
Chairman Omar Azan, in response, pledged his dedication to guiding the JPC board towards a strategic direction that will meet the Centre’s objectives and lead transformation in productivity across various sectors in Jamaica.

Motivated by the Minister’s impassioned charge, the sixteen-member Advisory Board is eager to assume their roles with unwavering commitment to formulating practical solutions that will foster economic growth and elevate productivity levels across Jamaica.
The Ministry eagerly anticipates an impactful and strategic approach to addressing national issues by the JPC under the leadership of its new Chairman. We look forward to a future characterized by quantifiable outcomes that will drive progress and prosperity in our great nation.


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By: MLSS PR Unit 0

Ministry of Labour and Social Security Strongly Denounces Brutal Killing of Senior Citizen in Clarendon

labour ministry with coat of arms

Public Relations and Communication Unit,

1F North Street, Kingston



Monday, November 6, 2023


Ministry of Labour and Social Security Strongly Denounces Brutal Killing of Senior Citizen in Clarendon

The Ministry of Labour and Social Security unequivocally condemns the recent and appalling murder of an 82-year-old senior citizen, Mr. Eustas Ricketts, a resident of the Top Halse community in Clarendon. Mr. Ricketts was tragically attacked and killed by an unknown assailant at his residence on Sunday morning, November 5.

Our senior citizens are living repositories of our nation’s history, and they have made immeasurable contributions to the tapestry of our society. They are a source of wisdom, experience, and heritage, and it is a grave affront to our collective values that they have been subjected to such brutal violence.

The Honourable Pearnel Charles Jr., Minister of Labour and Social Security, expresses his deep sorrow upon learning of Mr. Ricketts’ tragic passing. He emphasizes that no Jamaican citizen, especially those who are among the most vulnerable in our society, should ever fall victim to violence and brutality.

“These reprehensible and heinous acts run counter to the very essence of our society, where our elderly citizens should be cherished, protected, and their wisdom and experiences celebrated, not stolen away by heartless criminals,” Minister Charles stated.

The Minister also highlights the unfortunate reality that far too many of our nation’s elderly citizens have lost their lives due to violence and brutality over the years, leaving numerous families shattered. He underscores the importance of the law-abiding citizens in our society taking a stand by speaking out against such acts, ensuring that justice is served for the victims and their families.

The Minister calls upon the members of the public to come forward with any information that may assist the police in identifying and bringing to justice those responsible for these deplorable crimes.

“We also implore our fellow Jamaicans to unify our in solidarity, fostering a safer and more compassionate environment, particularly for our vulnerable citizens, especially our senior citizens,” the Minister added.

The Ministry extends its heartfelt condolences to the Ricketts family and the Top Halse community. Our thoughts and sympathies are with you during this challenging time. Together, we are committed to working towards a safer, more inclusive society where our senior citizens can enjoy their lives in peace and dignity.


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By: MLSS PR Unit 0

Minister Charles Jr. Spearheads Jamaica’s Advocacy at the Commonwealth Caribbean Seasonal Agricultural Workers Programme Annual Review

labour ministry with coat of arms

Public Relations and Communication Unit,

1F North Street, Kingston



Monday, November 6, 2023


Minister Charles Jr. Spearheads Jamaica’s Advocacy at the Commonwealth Caribbean Seasonal Agricultural Workers Programme Annual Review

Kingston, Jamaica – Monday, November 6, 2023– The Honourable Pearnel Charles Jr., Minister of Labour and Social Security, departs today for the annual review meeting of the Commonwealth Caribbean Seasonal Agricultural Workers Programme (SAWP), set to take place at the Hyatt Regency Trinidad in Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, from November 7-10, 2023.

This pivotal meeting is a part of Minister Charles Jr.’s continued commitment to ensuring that the SAWP is mutually beneficial, advocating for the protection and promotion of the best interests and rights of Jamaican workers. The trip to Trinidad and Tobago follows a successful mission to Canada, where the Minister engaged with various stakeholders in the farmwork programme.

The annual review, a stipulation under the Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of Jamaica and the Government of Canada, is a collaborative forum aimed at enhancing the operations of the SAWP and addressing key concerns such as employment contracts, worker recruitment, housing, safety, health, and workers’ rights.

As Jamaica takes centre stage at this regional event, Minister Charles Jr. will represent the nation’s vested interest in optimizing the programme. Supply countries, including Barbados, Montserrat, St. Lucia, St Kitts and Nevis, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Trinidad and Tobago, and Jamaica, will join Canadian officials and employer groups in robust discussions.

The series of events will commence with an Opening Ceremony on November 7, followed by caucus sessions. Subsequent days will feature a Breakfast Meeting with Caribbean Ministers of Labour, plenary sessions with Canadian government officials and employers.

Minister Charles Jr.’s presence at the SAWP Annual Review underscores his and the Ministry’s dedication to safeguarding the welfare of Jamaican farmworkers abroad. His leadership in these discussions is expected to foster a strengthened and more transparent dialogue between the Caribbean supply countries and Canadian stakeholders.

The Ministry of Labour and Social Security, as the orchestrator of Jamaica’s participation, continues to serve as a beacon of advocacy for Jamaican labourers, upholding its reputation as the ‘People’s Ministry’ – a ministry committed to advancing the well-being of its citizens, at home and overseas.



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