Fee Not Required For Overseas Job Says Labour Ministry
Concerned that vulnerable job seekers are being defrauded by some employ-ment agencies, the Ministry of Labour and Social Security has advised that the charging of a fee for job placement under the H-2B programme is prohibited.
The ministry said it has taken note of a Sunday Gleaner article, which highlighted the recent attempt by one employment agency to misappropriate money paid by a United States-based company to assist with the processing of documents for Jamaicans selected to work at a number of companies in the US.
“The ministry views with grave concern the unscrupulous activities of employment agencies in defrauding vulnerable job seekers and unsuspecting employers of their monies under the guise of job placement,” said a press release from the ministry.
“An employment agency shall not charge any fee to any person for his placement in employment in any programme which requires a H-2B visa issued by the government of the United States of America or in any other programme for the placement of persons in employment outside Jamaica, which prohibits the charging of fees to persons seeking placement in employment under that programme.”
The ministry said it will be ramping up its public awareness campaign and is urging the public or those employing Jamaican workers to consult with the ministry or its website to obtain a list of registered employment agencies.
Persons are also urged to take note of the fact that employment agencies must have a physical office, and must have a copy of their licence displayed in the office at all times.
Source: http://jamaica-gleaner.com/article/news/20180615/fee-not-required-overseas-job-says-labour-ministry