Gov’t wants automated service provider for PATH disbursements
The Government is pushing to improve administrative efficiency and reduce the costs associated with the disbursement of funds to beneficiaries of the Programme of Advancement Through Health and Education (PATH).
The Government is also aiming to ensure greater accessibility and ease of collecting benefits for beneficiary families under PATH, according to a Request for Expression of Interest in the Sunday newspapers.
To this end, the Ministry of Labour and Social Security, which has responsibility for the PATH, is seeking the services of a firm, company or institution to provide automated or electronic transfer payments to PATH beneficiary families every two months. PATH families which receive the special benefit under the social security net, number 128,000.
The Ministry said the chosen service provider must demonstrate the following:
- The ability of the product/service to be utilised by a large number of beneficiaries especially in rural areas including those that are elderly or have a disability.
- The availability and accessibility of the product/service island-wide.
- Merchant reach and ability.
- The ability of the service provider to recall funds from beneficiary accounts and return it to the Ministry based on the instruction.
- The ability of the service provider to disburse payments immediately on receipt of funds from the Ministry.
- Beneficiaries will not be subject to any fees for registration or transactions completed.
- Available customer service that is accessible on a 24-hour basis.
- There are more than 300,000 Jamaicans enrolled under the PATH.
Source: http://www.loopjamaica.com/content/govt-wants-automated-service-provider-path-disbursements