Jamaica Liaison Service intervenes in incident with Farmworkers
Public Relations and Communication Unit,
1F North Street, Kingston
Thursday, November 2, 2023
Jamaica Liaison Service intervenes in incident with Farmworkers
Acting Chief Liaison Officer for the Jamaican Liaison Service (Farmwork programme) in Canada, Mrs. Althea Riley, is today reporting that the service has intervened in an incident involving two Jamaican farm workers on Friday, October 27, 2023, on a farm in Ontario.
According to Mrs. Riley, based on the investigation carried out by the liaison service, on Friday a group of farm workers who had completed their work contract in Canada, were about to board buses headed to Pearson International Airport, to board flights to Jamaica, when an altercation developed between two of the workers.
Following that incident, one of the workers sustained injuries and was taken to hospital for treatment and the other was arrested by the police.
Riley said, “Upon hearing of the incident, a senior liaison officer was dispatched to the location to carry out an in-depth investigation and offer support in line with the mandate of the service.” She further stated that “We are happy to report that the injured worker has since been released from the hospital and will be returning home in short order.”
The liaison service in conjunction with the Ministry of Labour and Social Security in Jamaica will continue to monitor the worker’s recovery and where further treatment is required, the insurance policy he has in Canada through the liaison service will be activated.
Regarding the other worker, Riley points out that “the liaison service will be extending the usual courtesies in circumstances like these.” She however, highlighted that this is now a police matter, and “against that background, the service will act within the boundaries of the Canadian law.”
Contact: MLSS Communication Unit|Tel: (876) 967-5484|Email: prunit@mlss.gov.jm
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