News Detail

MLSS PR Unit June 19, 2023

Labour Ministry Calls Emergency Conciliatory Meeting between Civil Aviation Authority & Air Traffic Controllers

labour ministry with coat of arms

Communication Unit

1F North Street, Kingston

Tel: (876) 967-5484

Fax: (876) 948-2831

Saturday, June 17, 2023


Labour Ministry Calls Emergency Conciliatory Meeting between Civil Aviation Authority & Air Traffic Controllers


The Ministry of Labour and Social Security has called an emergency conciliatory meeting for 11:00 am this morning, Saturday, June 17 between the Jamaica Civil Aviation Authority and the Jamaica Air Traffic Controllers Association.

The meeting will be held at the 1F North Street Head Office of the Ministry of Labour and Social Security.

The Jamaica Civil Aviation Authority wrote to the Ministry early this morning to advise that the majority of Air Traffic Controllers had called in sick on the 11 pm shift last night.


Contact: MLSS Communication Unit (876) 967-5484
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