Labour Ministry Deals With Overseas Pensioners
Minister of Labour and Social Security, Hon. Shahine Robinson, says the reason overseas-based pensioners experienced difficulties in receiving pension payments was due to a newly implemented payment process.
She said the Ministry will ensure the situation does not recur.
“I am happy to report that entitlements for the United States and Canadian-based pensioners were uploaded in August, with pensioners verifying the receipt of the overdue payments,” she said.
The Minister was speaking at a quarterly press briefing, held at the Ministry’s North Street office in Kingston on September 4.
Mrs. Robinson noted further that United Kingdom and Rest-of-the-World-based pensioners can also expect to receive payments no later than this weekend.
“We have been advised that all the issues have been resolved, and we will now ensure that the payments due for September 15 are on time,” she said.
Meanwhile, Mrs Robinson said the Ministry is working to improve customer service delivery to its clients, particularly in the processing of claims for social assistance; the turnaround time for work permit applications; and the turnaround time for the delivery of awards from the Industrial Disputes Tribunal.
She said the customer reception areas are also being improved to provide more efficiency in responding to telephone and email requests.
The Ministry of Labour and Social Security will, this financial year, also commission into service new offices in St. Ann’s Bay, St. Ann and Lucea, Hanover, as part of a project to improve infrastructure at its parish offices.
Mrs. Robinson said other offices are also being upgraded, including the St. James parish office.
Source: https://jis.gov.jm/labour-ministry-deals-with-overseas-pensioners/