News Detail

MLSS PR Unit October 23, 2023

Minister Charles Jr visit to Canada

labour ministry with coat of arms

Public Relations and Communication Unit,

1F North Street, Kingston



Sunday, October 22, 2023


Charles Jr. on a mission to improve Farmwork Programme

Today, the Honourable Pearnel Charles Jr., Minister of Labour and Social Security, along with a high-level delegation from his ministry, arrived in Canada. This trip’s core objective is to engage with officials and key stakeholders pertaining to the Ministry’s Farmwork Programme.

During his visit, Minister Charles Jr. will be journeying to several farms, providing an invaluable opportunity to engage in intensive discussions with the farmworkers on the ground. “I eagerly anticipate their candid insights, and I will be encouraging open dialogue and transparent sharing from the workers.” Charles Jr said.

Minister Charles Jr. is also taking this opportunity to review various notable locations, pinpointed in prior reports, to gain a comprehensive understanding of the programme’s current status. Through these direct interactions, the minister aims to gather crucial feedback that will significantly inform future strategic directions to augment and diversify the programme.

As part of his agenda, the minister will engage the workers and commend them on their enduring commitment and years of service. He will also extend his appreciation to the employers, whose partnerships have been pivotal, not only in enriching the lives of the participating Jamaican citizens but also in advancing our national development trajectory.

Following the culmination of this trip, Minister Charles Jr. is slated to address the parliament, sharing his findings, and unveiling further strategic initiatives. This statement will delineate new policies envisioned for the programme, offering clarity on the path ahead.


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