Ministry of Labour & Social Security Partners with WFP to Bring Relief to the Elderly
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Friday, May 28, 2021
Ministry of Labour & Social Security Partners with WFP to Bring Relief to the Elderly
The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) has donated 11,339 Food packages and 30 tablets valued at just over a $US1.06M to the Government of Jamaica. The items which were handed over to the Ministry of Labour and Social Security, forms part of the Government’s Covid 19 Care Programmeto assist vulnerable households and in particular the elderly.
Labour and Social Security Minister, Honorable Karl Samuda in expressing his appreciation said that the donation will enhance the Government’s effort to reduce the impact of Covid 19 on the food security of the most vulnerable. Minister Samuda explained that Jamaica is fighting to decrease infection rates within the county, with the elderly population being the most affected and more vulnerable to succumbing to the virus. One of the most crucial strategies for curbing the spread of COVID-19 is to stay at home. “I recognize that this is a challenge when one needs to go out in search of food, medicine and other necessities. The Ministry’s food distribution programme aim to meet the food and nutritional needs of our Senior Citizens and other vulnerable persons to ensure that we can keep them safe,” he said.
Meanwhile, WFP representative in Jamaica Ms Sara Netzer, said that regional findings across three CARICOM COVID-19 Food Security and Livelihoods Impact Survey, administered by WFP over the last year revealed significant job loss, increasing food prices and poorer food consumption overall. The impact has been felt more severely as time goes on, particularly for the poorest households.
Mr. Regis Chapman, Regional Representative for WFP in Barbados, pointed out that the provision of access to food as well as technical and logistical support is paramount during times of crisis; and the pandemic is no exception.
He explained, Jamaica has significant experience in using social protection in a disaster context. The Government and people of Jamaica are, therefore, in the prime position to further strengthen their response capacities through this partnership”.
This current partnership between the Ministry of Labour Social Security and WFP to support the national COVID-19 response, builds on key lessons learnt in the past, to navigate this unprecedented period in the nation’s history.

Honourable Karl Samuda, (C)Minister of Labour & Social Security, along with Colette Roberts Risden, (R) Permanent Secretary and Miss Suzette Morris, (L) Director of Social Security received food items from Sara Netzer, (1st right) Programme Policy Officer of the World Food Programme to assist Senior Citizens.
Contact: V George Palmer, Dir. Public Relations & Communications (876) 820-5373 or (876) 967-5484
|Email: vando.palmer@mlss.gov.jm/prunit@mlss.gov.jm
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