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The Government of Jamaica in focusing its efforts on advancing social development initiated a programme of safety net reform in 2000. As part of the reforms, the Programme of Advancement Through Health and Education (PATH) was introduced as a Conditional Cash Transfer programme targeting vulnerable households within the population.  

The objectives of the Programme are to:

  1. Increase educational attainment and improve health outcomes of the poor by breaking the inter-generational cycle of poverty.
  2. Alleviate poverty by increasing the value of transfer to the poor.
  3. Reduce child labour by requiring children to have minimum attendance in school.
  4. Serve as a safety net by preventing families from falling further into poverty in the event of adverse shock.

Since its launch in 2002, the Programme of Advancement Through Health and Education (PATH), administered by the Ministry of Labour and Social Security (MLSS), has become Jamaica’s flagship social assistance programme, currently providing cash grants to approximately 350,000 beneficiaries.  

The programme is supported by loans from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank) and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB).   

PATH Eligibility Criteria

PATH applicants are invited to visit the Ministry of Labour and Social Security’s office in their parish of residence to complete the application process. The process may also be undertaken at designated centres, communities or within homes of the elderly or persons with disabilities.   

Demographic and other socio-economic data are collected on individual family members and the information entered into the Beneficiary Identification System (BIS).  The BIS applies a Proxy Means Test to derive the family’s score. Families that have attained a score which is at or below the cut-off point established for the Programme are provisionally selected to participate.  Final selection is subject to verification of the information provided during the application interview process.  

Benefits are delivered to families for a period of four years, after which they are required to re-apply and be reassessed for continued eligibility. 

Documents Required for Application Processing 

  • Birth Certificates for the Family Head 
  • Valid ID for the Family Head 
  • TRN for the Family Head 
  • Birth Certificates for all children living in the household 
  • Birth Certificate for Adults 60 and over who live in the household 

PATH Benefit Categories
PATH Compliance Conditionalities
Payment Delivery and Mechanism


PATH Affiliated Interventions 

Since the inception of PATH a number of supporting interventions/sub-programmes have been implemented in response to beneficiary needs. The following is a summary of the major existing initiatives, which can be accessed through the Ministry’s network of Parish Offices: 

Post-Secondary (Education) Grants
Tertiary (Education) Bursaries