News Categories: Press Release

07 Jun
By: MLSS PR Unit 0

Charles Jr Outlines Strategic Priorities for National Insurance Fund (NIF)

labour ministry with coat of arms

Public Relations Unit

1F North Street, Kingston

Tel: (876) 967-5484

Fax: (876) 948-2831



Charles Jr Outlines Strategic Priorities for National Insurance Fund (NIF)

Kingston, Jamaica, June 6, 2024
Minister Pearnel Charles Jr. recently announced the strategic priorities for the National Insurance Fund (NIF) in delivering his sectoral presentation. These initiatives underscore the Government of Jamaica’s commitment to enhancing the sustainability and efficiency of
Jamaica’s social security infrastructure. In his delivery the Minister said, “for this upcoming year, the National Insurance Fund
intends to focus on several high-priority areas, including:

  • Continued Reform for Maximizing Returns: The NIF is engaged in its ongoing reform efforts aimed to maximize investment returns with a view to maximizing the rate of return on investments to ensure the long-term financial stability of the Fund and its ability to provide sustainable benefits to Jamaican citizens.
  • Revised Investment Policy for Risk Management: A revised investment policy will be implemented to minimize risk exposure and ensure long-term sustainability and facilitate the optimizing of investment opportunities while maintaining prudent risk management practices.
  • Realignment of Real Estate Portfolio: The NIF will undertake a realignment of its real estate portfolio, including the divestment of low-yielding and non-performing assets to enhance the Fund’s investment strategy and improve overall portfolio performance.
  • Infrastructure Investments: The NIF has allocated funds for strategic infrastructure investments, including a $209 million renovation of the Kingston and St. Andrew Parish Office on Ripon Road. Additionally, architectural design and plans for new NIS offices and a Government Services Centre in May Pen, Clarendon, have been budgeted at approximately $26.2 million.
  • Compliance with Disabilities Act: To ensure compliance with the Disabilities Act and related building regulations, the NIF will invest $35 million to improve investment properties within its portfolio.

Further Minister Charles Jr. added, “The strategic priorities outlined for the National Insurance Fund reflect our commitment to sound financial management and the provision of quality services to Jamaican citizens. By prioritizing investment reform, infrastructure
upgrades, and compliance initiatives, we are laying the foundation for a more resilient and inclusive social security system.”

These initiatives align with the Ministry of Labour and Social Security’s overarching mission to enhance social protection mechanisms and promote the well-being of all Jamaicans.

The ministry reiterates our tireless commitment to continue our ongoing work to upgrade our systems and refine our strategic processes and initiatives as we become more efficient in the delivery of our services.



Contact: MLSS Communication Unit (876) 967-5484
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21 Aug
By: MLSS PR Unit 0

Labour Minister Meets with Repatriated Farmworkers to further investigate claims of victimization

labour ministry with coat of arms

Public Relations Unit

1F North Street, Kingston

Tel: (876) 967-5484

Fax: (876) 948-2831



Friday, August 18, 2023



Labour Minister Meets with Repatriated Farmworkers to further investigate claims of victimization


The Ministry of Labour and Social Security, today met with repatriated farmworkers to advance investigations into allegations of victimization. Labour Minister the Hon. Pearnel Charles Jr., along with senior ministry officials with responsibility for the Overseas Employment Programme, this morning met with four (4) of the five (5) farm workers who were repatriated to Jamaica on August 8, to get a firsthand account of the matter.

The fifth farm worker, who was also invited indicated that he was unable to attend.

Minister Charles Jr. assured the workers that while the Ministry has a vital interest in protecting the integrity of the programme, its top priority is to ensure that the rights and interests of the workers are upheld. He urged the workers to openly share their perspectives concerning the circumstances surrounding their early return with him and the team and to make a full disclosure all relevant information that could assist ongoing investigation into this matter.

In their response, the four workers confirmed that they were aware of the report in the Jamaica Observer, however, they were adamant that they had not spoken to any media representative, or to anyone connected to the media. They indicated however, that they were aware that two media representatives had visited the farm in the days prior to their departure.

The workers assured the Ministry’s team that they have full access to and are aware of the channels provided to them for communicating challenges they experience with their employment.

As a first step, farmworkers are advised to report challenges to their supervisors and to escalate reports to their assigned Liaison Officers as needed. Telephone contact numbers for the Liaison Officers are posted in each bunkhouse, along with numbers for the Liaison Service in each Province, and the number of the Liaison Service’s head office in Toronto.

The farm workers further expressed their disappointment at returning home earlier than expected and expressed concerns about their prospects for future participation in the Farm work programme. They further agreed to provide written statements to the Ministry as investigations into this matter are ongoing.


Labour & Social Security Minister, Hon. Pearnel Charles Jr. (R) holds a brief discussion with two of the five repatriated farmworkers, Kevern Creighton, (L) and Nigel Ramsay (C) after a meeting held at the Ministry’s East Street office in Kingston on Friday, August 18, 2023


Contact: MLSS Communication Unit (876) 967-5484
1F North Street| Email:
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15 Aug
By: MLSS PR Unit 0

PATH to provide additional assistance for Back-to-school

labour ministry with coat of arms

Public Relations Unit

1F North Street, Kingston

Tel: (876) 967-5484

Fax: (876) 948-2831



Friday, August 11, 2023



PATH to provide additional assistance for Back-to-school


As the annual back-to-school season kicks into high gear with the 2023/24 academic year set to begin on September 4, the Ministry of Labour and
Social Security (MLSS) is encouraging vulnerable Jamaican families to apply for support through the Programme of Advancement through Health and
Education (PATH).

For over two decades, one of PATH’s core objectives has been to provide beneficiaries with the necessary resources to complete their primary and
secondary education and receive support for post-secondary studies. In keeping with this, PATH is highlighting several back-to-school benefits to
help ease the burden on parents and caregivers as they prepare for the upcoming school year.

Minister of Labour and Social Security, Hon. Pearnel Charles Jr. speaking about the additional benefits said “With back-to-school right around the
corner we want our PATH beneficiaries to be assured that the Government is aware of the challenges they face and will be implementing provisions to
help offset some of the costs.”

Minister Charles Jr. indicated that with the next PATH beneficiary payment scheduled for mid-August, in addition to regular payments of between
$3,800 and $5,600, families will receive an additional amount of $3,500 to help with back-to-school expenses, for each child registered in a
public school from grades 1 – 13.

Permanent Secretary in the Labour and Social Security Ministry, Mrs. Colette Roberts Risden emphasised that PATH’s support for its beneficiaries
continues even after high school has ended. She said, “If a child continues their education after high school, they may qualify for a Post-secondary
Grant of up to $30,000 to assist with sitting CXC exams, skills training, certificates, diplomas or associate degrees.”

She further advised that, “There’s also the Tertiary Bursary, which is available to students from PATH households, who are pursuing bachelor’s degrees.
With this bursary, PATH provides $100,000 annually for up to four years once that student maintains a GPA of at least 2.5 and meets other requirements
outlined by the institution they attend.”

The Ministry of Labour and Social Security is reminding beneficiary families to advise the Ministry, through their parish offices island wide, if their
child/children will be starting a new school in the September term so that benefits will not be disrupted. The Ministry is also renewing its call for
vulnerable individuals who have not yet applied for PATH to do so today at their local parish office. This was they too can benefit from assistance with
uniforms, books, meals, and other allowances throughout the school year.


Contact: MLSS PR Unit (876) 967-5484
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09 Feb
By: MLSS PR Unit 0

The Ministry of Labour and Social Security Leads Relief Efforts in Communities affected by Recent Rainfall

labour ministry with coat of arms

Public Relations Unit

1F North Street, Kingston

Tel: (876) 967-5484

Fax: (876) 948-2831



Wednesday, February 9, 2022



The Ministry of Labour and Social Security Leads Relief Efforts in Communities affected by Recent Rainfall


In collaborative efforts with other humanitarian partners, the Ministry of Labour and Social Security has moved decisively to bring much-needed relief to communities in St Mary, Portland, and St Ann, which were affected by torrential rainfall from January 31 to February 1, 2022.

According to an assessment received by the Ministry’s Disaster, Rehabilitation and Welfare Management Unit, 850 household have been assessed to date.

The Parish of St. Mary experiencing the majority of damages especially in the communities of Pagee, Port Maria and its environs, Jacks River, Baileys Vale and Boscobel received distributions from the Ministry of approximately 370 food packages along with over 450 mattresses and hygiene supplies and Sanitization kits.

The vendors Arcade in Port Maria was considerably impacted by infrastructural damages sustained and loss of goods.

“We want to assure our citizens, especially the vendors who lost valuable goods in the flood at the Port Maria arcade, that we are committed to assisting persons affected by this deliberate disaster and will do everything possible to help them through this difficult time,” said Hon Karl Samuda, Minister of Labour and Social Security.

The Ministry will continue to monitor and investigate reports of damage and provide emergency support where necessary.





Contact: MLSS PR Unit (876) 967-5484
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02 Feb
By: MLSS PR Unit 0

Fraudulent Canadian Government Job Recruitment Message

labour ministry with coat of arms

Public Relations Unit

1F North Street, Kingston

Tel: (876) 967-5484

Fax: (876) 948-2831



Wednesday, February 2, 2022



Fraudulent Canadian Government Job Recruitment Message


The Ministry of Labour and Social Security is advising the public to be aware of a message being circulated on social media concerning recruitment of persons for jobs in Canada. The Ministry is advising that neither the Government of Canada nor the Ministry of Labour and Social Security is associated with this message.

There has been an increase in job scams. The Ministry is therefore encouraging job seekers to ensure the legitimacy of any offer of employment prior to the payment of fees or providing personal information.

When in doubt about any job offer please make contact with the Ministry for verification of information. The number to call is: 876 922-9500-14





Contact: MLSS PR Unit (876) 967-5484
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24 Jul
By: MLSS PR Unit 0


labour ministry with coat of arms

Public Relations Unit

1F North Street, Kingston

Tel: (876) 967-5484

Fax: (876) 948-2831



Thursday, July 23, 2020





Based on information received from PICA, the Ministry of Labour and Social Security can confirm the arrival of 34 persons in Jamaica with renewed Work Permits on July 21, 2020. The Ministry has no record of a Work Permit application for one individual among the 35 listed on the Aircraft Manifest.

The skills sets represented by these individuals, indicate a range of specialists such as Air Conditioning, Under Water Welding, Resort Circuit, Thermaflax and Resort Air Duct. Approval of the renewals was granted between March and July of this year.

It is important to note that all 35 persons are employed to Clima Insular Caribe Ltd that has been contracted by RIU Hotel, to do works on their refurbishing and expansion projects.

The company had indicated that these persons had previously completed projects of a similar nature in Jamaica and their expertise was needed to interpret and execute the design needs of the hotel. Furthermore, the new refurbishing project in Montego Bay will provide employment to for approximately Four Hundred (400) Jamaicans.

In the meantime, newly appointed Minister of Labour and Social Security, Lester ‘Mike’ Henry has given instructions for strengthening of the Work Permit Committee that reviews applications. He says it must now include a representative from the HEART TRUST/ NTA to verify the availability of skills set in the Jamaican Labour Market before anymore permits are granted.





Contact: V George Palmer, Dir. Public Relations & Communications (876) 820-5373 or (876) 967-5484
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22 Jul
By: MLSS PR Unit 0

Jamaica To Lead Region In Fight Against Child Labour

labour ministry with coat of arms

Public Relations Unit

1F North Street, Kingston

Tel: (876) 967-5484

Fax: (876) 948-2831



Wednesday, July 22, 2020


Jamaica to Lead Region In Fight Against Child Labour

Jamaica is the first country in the Caribbean participating in the Child Labour Risk Identification (CLRISK) Model, a preventative tool developed by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) and the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ELAC)”.

This means Jamaica will soon be in a position to identify geographical areas and sectors with the highest probability of Child Labour and be able to implement measures aimed at disrupting its trajectory.

This, from Labour and Social Security Minister, Lester Mike Henry as he made his Sectoral Presentation in Parliament on Tuesday.

Minister Henry said Jamaica is now at an advanced stage of completion of the model and if all things are equal it should be completed next month and immediately implemented. The Labour and Social Security Minister also said our children are our future and we must bequeath to them a better Jamaica with safer communities, increased opportunities and guaranteed protection through our, facilities and enacting legislation.

The Labour & Social Security Minister pointed out that Child Labour varies all across Jamaica and has certain characteristics depending on where it exists. “We discovered after much consultation across fourteen parishes that there is a uniqueness of Child Labour within each parish and this has to be taken into consideration as we target and tackle the root causes”, he said.

Minister Henry, also lauded the work of the National Steering Committee on Child Labour, the United States Department of Labour & the International Labour Organization for their role in putting Jamaica at the forefront of the region in the fight against Child Labour.



Contact: V George Palmer, Dir. Public Relations & Communications (876) 820-5373 or (876) 967-5484
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16 Jul
By: MLSS PR Unit 0

Emancipation Day To Be Observed On Saturday As Scheduled

labour ministry with coat of arms

Public Relations Unit

1F North Street, Kingston

Tel: (876) 967-5484

Fax: (876) 948-2831



Wednesday, July 15, 2020



Emancipation Day To Be Observed On Saturday As Scheduled

The Ministry of Labour and Social Security (MLSS) is advising the public, that Emancipation Day – a Public Holiday – will be observed on Saturday, August 1, 2020, as scheduled. This is in accordance with the Holidays (Public General) Act, which stipulates that “the 1st day of August (or in case the 1st day of August falls on a Sunday, then the following Monday), which shall be known as Emancipation Day”.

It should be noted that in relation to Emancipation Day, the Act only makes provision for a change of the day on which the holiday is to be observed, if the holiday falls on a Sunday.

Employees who work on the upcoming public holidays (i.e. Saturday, August 1, 2020 and Thursday, August 6, 2020) will be entitled to payment at “double time” rates as provided for under the Minimum Wage Orders or such other rates specified in their collective labour agreements or employment contracts (where applicable).


Contact: V George Palmer, Dir. Public Relations & Communications (876) 820-5373 or (876) 967-5484
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10 Jul
By: MLSS PR Unit 0

Henry Again Calls for Greater Recognition for Herb McKenley on His Birthday

labour ministry with coat of arms

Public Relations Unit

1F North Street, Kingston

Tel: (876) 967-5484

Fax: (876) 948-2831



Friday, July 10, 2020


Henry Again Calls for Greater Recognition for Herb McKenley on His Birthday

Central Clarendon, Member of Parliament, Lester ‘Mike’ Henry, says Jamaica owes a debt of gratitude to the legendary Herb McKenley, Jamaica’s first World record holder in Track and Field. According to Minister Henry, Herb McKenley has not been fully recognized for his exploits and contribution to Jamaica’s dominance in the sports arena. He said as Clarendon biggest son of the soil on the 98th Anniversary of his birth, we should not miss the opportunity to revere his memory.

Minster Henry said Herb’s accomplishment as an athlete, coach and administrator is unmatched. He held 5 World Records and is the only man in the 20th century to win Olympic medals in the 100m and 400m and was the first man to run below 46 seconds for 440 yards. He was also the National Track and Field coach for 19 years and was the man behind the building of Calabar’s track and field dynasty.

He further said, Jamaica is blessed to have had this ‘son of the soil,’ the legendary Herbert Henry McKenley in their midst. He has shared enough food for thought over his 60 year career and his legacy will continue to live on in the sports industry.

McKenley also served as President of the Jamaica Amateur Athletics Association (JAAA) and always lived up to his mantra, “If you really, really want it, you can have it.”


Contact: V George Palmer, Dir. Public Relations & Communications (876) 820-5373 or (876) 967-5484
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09 Jul
By: MLSS PR Unit 0

Minister Henry Calls for more Women in Seasonal Overseas Work Programme

labour ministry with coat of arms

Public Relations Unit

1F North Street, Kingston

Tel: (876) 967-5484

Fax: (876) 948-2831



Thursday, July 9, 2020


Minister Henry Calls for more Women in Seasonal Overseas Work Programme

The newly appointed Minister of Labour and Social Security, the Hon. Lester Michael Henry, wants to see more women involved in the Seasonal Agriculture Workers programme (SAWP) between Jamaica and Canada. He made his call on July 8 2020, during a courtesy call at his office by the Canadian High Commission to Jamaica, Her Excellency, Laurie Peters.

According to Minister Henry, while there has been a steady minimal increase over the last five (5) years, the time has come to intensify this effort and significantly increase the numbers. He suggested that in light of COVID 19 and the previous challenges faced by the oversees employers, it would be a positive move to have the Canadian Government give some incentives to the employers to provide safe, secure and female friendly bunkering facilities.

He said in 1989 five women were sent to a tobacco farm, this number of women grew to one hundred and thirty three (133) in 2008 and by the 2019/2020 financial year the number increased to 606 under the SAWP, which he noted is still lower than their male counter parts.

In the meantime, High Commissioner Peters, said she is in agreement with Minister Henry’s proposal but, she also wants to keep as her priorities the cementing of the Bilateral Agreements between the two countries and promoting the implementation of other worker programmes by the Canadian Government, including the Skills to Access the Green Economy (SAGE). She says this programme is administered in Canada through colleges and other institutions and resembles the Jamaican version of Vocational Schools. Focusing on sustainable agriculture, the programme will be a partnership between two institutions in Canada and two in Jamaica; one of them being the HEART/TRUST NTA.

Since the start of the year, six thousand (6000) workers left Jamaica on the Farm Work programme; 75% are returning workers who have spent 20-30 years in the programme and another 20-25 % new recruits. In addition, there was a record increase in the number of young person to the progrmme.

The Seasonal Agricultural Workers Programme (SAWP) began in 1966 under a Bilateral Agreement between Jamaica and Canada for the supply of agricultural workers to utilize their skills in planting and harvesting of fruits and vegetables.


Contact: V George Palmer, Dir. Public Relations & Communications (876) 820-5373 or (876) 967-5484
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