Communication Unit
1F North Street, Kingston
Tel: (876) 967-5484
Fax: (876) 948-2831
Thursday, June 15, 2023
NIS Pensioners Begin Receiving Increases TODAY
The Ministry of Labour and Social Security is pleased to announce that effective today, NIS pensioners will begin to see the new pension rates reflected in their bank accounts.
This is the first increase received by pensioners under the National Insurance Scheme (NIS) in five (5) years.
The Ministry had previously indicated that payment of the new rates, which became effective on April 1, 2023, would be delivered on a phased basis, starting mid-June 2023, with a payment of arrears at the end of June. Some pensioners saw the new amounts reflected in their accounts as early as five (5) days ago.
The Ministry is reminding pensioners who are paid by Pension Order Books, that they will receive the new rates when their new Pension Order Books are due, beginning in July. The first Pension Order Voucher in the new book will reflect the arrears as well as the month’s payment at the new rate.
The pension rate increases are applicable to Retirement Pension benefits, the Invalidity and the Widows and Widowers Pensions, and range from 23% to 76%. The benefit for persons in receipt of Full-rate pensions has been increased by 23%, moving from $3,400 to $4,200 per week.
For persons receiving three-Quarter-rate pensions, the benefit has been increased by 37%, and moves from $2,550 per week to $3,500 per week. Pensioners receiving half-rate pensions will see an increase of 76%, moving from $1,700 per week to $3,000 per week.
Pensioners whose new Pension Order Books are due in the August to December period will be paid the new rate, with the arrears reflected on the first Pension Order Voucher in the new books.
The ministry reiterates our commitment to continue our ongoing work to upgrade our systems and become more efficient in the delivery of our services. We remain steadfast in
our strategic focus to establish service excellence and committed leadership in customer service delivery.
Contact: MLSS Communication Unit (876) 967-5484
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