Archives: News

By: MLSS PR Unit 0

NIS Pensioners Begin Receiving Increases TODAY

labour ministry with coat of arms

Communication Unit

1F North Street, Kingston

Tel: (876) 967-5484

Fax: (876) 948-2831

Thursday, June 15, 2023


NIS Pensioners Begin Receiving Increases TODAY



The Ministry of Labour and Social Security is pleased to announce that effective today, NIS pensioners will begin to see the new pension rates reflected in their bank accounts.

This is the first increase received by pensioners under the National Insurance Scheme (NIS) in five (5) years.

The Ministry had previously indicated that payment of the new rates, which became effective on April 1, 2023, would be delivered on a phased basis, starting mid-June 2023, with a payment of arrears at the end of June. Some pensioners saw the new amounts reflected in their accounts as early as five (5) days ago.

The Ministry is reminding pensioners who are paid by Pension Order Books, that they will receive the new rates when their new Pension Order Books are due, beginning in July. The first Pension Order Voucher in the new book will reflect the arrears as well as the month’s payment at the new rate.

The pension rate increases are applicable to Retirement Pension benefits, the Invalidity and the Widows and Widowers Pensions, and range from 23% to 76%. The benefit for persons in receipt of Full-rate pensions has been increased by 23%, moving from $3,400 to $4,200 per week.

For persons receiving three-Quarter-rate pensions, the benefit has been increased by 37%, and moves from $2,550 per week to $3,500 per week. Pensioners receiving half-rate pensions will see an increase of 76%, moving from $1,700 per week to $3,000 per week.

Pensioners whose new Pension Order Books are due in the August to December period will be paid the new rate, with the arrears reflected on the first Pension Order Voucher in the new books.

The ministry reiterates our commitment to continue our ongoing work to upgrade our systems and become more efficient in the delivery of our services. We remain steadfast in

our strategic focus to establish service excellence and committed leadership in customer service delivery.



Contact: MLSS Communication Unit (876) 967-5484
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By: MLSS PR Unit 0

Labour Minister to Establish Joint Industrial

labour ministry with coat of arms

Communication Unit

1F North Street, Kingston

Tel: (876) 967-5484

Fax: (876) 948-2831

Thursday, June 15, 2023


Labour Minister to Establish Joint Industrial



Minister of Labour and Social Security, Hon. Pearnel Charles Jr., and the Members of the Labour Advisory Council (LAC) have agreed to host a special meeting to discuss a plan of action to establish a Joint Industrial Council to address labour issues affecting Industrial Security Guards and other labour relations matters.

The matter was raised by the members of the LAC during a meeting held on Wednesday June 7, to brief Minister Charles about the mandate of the Council and labour relations matters to be addressed.

The Council advised Minister Charles that the Ministry is still processing claims made by the Security Guards to the respective Trade Unions within the industry, and is still to determine the way forward.

On the other hand, the Minister indicated that the matter of the Security Guards should be treated with priority and must be urgently but carefully addressed, to restore normalcy to the industry. The Minister also gave his commitment to working jointly with the LAC to have matters of this nature resolved.

The meeting date is to be confirmed shortly.


 Labour Minister, Hon. Pearnel Charles Jr., (C) addresses members of the Labour Advisory Council, during a meeting on Wednesday, June 7, 2023. With him are Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Labour and Social Security, Colette Roberts Risden (L) and, members of Minister’s Advisory team.


Contact: MLSS Communication Unit (876) 967-5484
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By: MLSS PR Unit 0

Minister Charles Reaffirms Jamaica’s Commitment to Social Justice and Decent Work for All

labour ministry with coat of arms

Communication Unit

1F North Street, Kingston

Tel: (876) 967-5484

Fax: (876) 948-2831

Wednesday, June 14, 2023


Minister Charles Reaffirms Jamaica’s Commitment to Social Justice and Decent Work for All



Minister of Labour & Social Security, Hon. Pearnel Charles Jr., has reaffirmed Jamaica’s Commitment to Social Justice and Decent Work for All. Minister Charles was delivering his Statement to the 111th Session of the International Labour Conference in Geneva, Switzerland, on Monday, June 12, 2023.

The Minister reaffirmed Jamaica’s commitment to enacting legislation that safeguards the safety and health of all workers, noting that “a safe and healthy working environment is not a privilege, BUT AN ENTITLEMENT for all workers”.

The Minister emphasized that “the issue of social justice is critical” and stated that “In Jamaica, the advancement of Social Justice and the Decent Work Agenda are at the core of our policies and programmes”. He pointed to Jamaica’s Social Justice (So-JUST) Programme, which was launched in January 2023, noting that the programme is geared towards strengthening inclusive governance, the rule of law and access to justice with special focus on vulnerable communities and “at risk” groups.


Hon. Pearnel Charles Jr., Minister of Labour and Social Security, delivers his Statement to the International Labour Conference in Geneva, Switzerland, on Monday, June 12, 2023.


Contact: MLSS Communication Unit (876) 967-5484
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By: MLSS PR Unit 0

State Minister Dunn Lauds Jamaican Farm Workers’ Donation to High School Students Pursuing Agricultural Studies

labour ministry with coat of arms

Communication Unit

1F North Street, Kingston

Tel: (876) 967-5484

Fax: (876) 948-2831

Wednesday, June 14, 2023


State Minister Dunn Lauds Jamaican Farm Workers’ Donation to High School Students Pursuing Agricultural Studies



Six Hundred Thousand dollars (J$600,000) in cash grants was presented to twenty (20) students from ten (10) prominent High Schools across mainly rural St Catherine, on Monday, June 12, 2023.

The initiative, spearheaded by Jamaican Farm Workers attached to the Gebbers Farms in Washington State, USA, provided the Grade 10 students with the financial aid to assist with their pursuit of studies in Agriculture at their various institutions.

In making his contribution, Farm Work Supervisor, Eyon Gayle noted that the initiative had selected Agricultural students, because “food security and sustainable agriculture must be central to Jamaica’s 2030 Vision if it is to be fully realized”. He said, that in a world controlled by cutting edge technologies, “our young people need to be prepared to compete”.

During his address at the handing over ceremony, State Minister in the Ministry of Labour and Social Security, Dr. the Hon. Norman Dunn, said, “Each student will receive an amount of J$30,000.00 towards assisting with their studies. This act of kindness represents an example of commitment to country and dedication to civic responsibility, which unfortunately sometimes goes unrecognized and unappreciated, but should be emulated”.

Minister Dunn noted that for the past 12 years, Jamaican Farm Workers at the Gebbers Farms in the United States have been engaging in fund-raising activities and donating the proceeds to assist their fellow countrymen and women in need in communities across Jamaica. Since then, the initiative has sought to ‘give back’ through support with educational and other grants. To date, residents at the Golden Age Home in St. Andrew as well as students across the parishes of St Ann, St Thomas and Clarendon have benefitted.

“I would like to take this opportunity to commend the workers for their thoughtfulness, kindness and goodwill towards their fellow Jamaicans. I am happy that the workers have seen it fit to donate these funds to a wonderful cause each time.” Minister Dunn said.

The Gebbers Farms has been employing Jamaican Farm Workers since 2010 and is one of the largest employers of Jamaican Workers with over 300 workers.


 Dr the Hon. Norman Dunn, (1st left) State Minister in the Ministry of Labour & Social Security, shares in the official handing over of the symbolic grant cheque to two (2) of the (20) High School recipients. Looking on are Sophia Forbes Hall, (2nd left) Director of the Ministry of Education and Youth Region 6, Eyon Gayle, (Centre) Supervisor of Gebbers Farms and Kereen Reid Clarke, Community Relations Officer of the Ministry of Education and Youth Region 6.


Contact: MLSS Communication Unit (876) 967-5484
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By: MLSS PR Unit 0

Ministry Denies Allegations of Pension Fraud Probe

labour ministry with coat of arms

Communication Unit

1F North Street, Kingston

Tel: (876) 967-5484

Fax: (876) 948-2831

Wednesday, June 14, 2023


Ministry Denies Allegations of Pension Fraud Probe



The Ministry takes note of the recent publication by the Jamaica Observer titled “Pension Fraud Probe”.

The Ministry of Labour and Social Security states categorically that there is no fraud probe being conducted by its Internal Auditors into the National Insurance Scheme (NIS) at this time. The Ministry has not received any reports of fraudulent activity relating to the Postmaster General (PMG) paying out more money than was disbursed to them by the NIS.

However, the Ministry takes note of the article and considers these allegations serious. As such we are inviting external independent authorities to examine the allegations to ensure full transparency and accountability.

The Ministry is assuring the public that it takes the management of public resources seriously, and that it continues to implement strategies to ensure the efficient and effective performance of our systems.



Contact: MLSS Communication Unit (876) 967-5484
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By: MLSS PR Unit 0

Hon. Pearnel Charles Jr. Engages Executive Director of the International Trade Centre (ITC) in His First International Meeting as Minister of Labour & Social Security

labour ministry with coat of arms

Communication Unit

1F North Street, Kingston

Tel: (876) 967-5484

Fax: (876) 948-2831

Monday, June 12, 2023


Hon. Pearnel Charles Jr. Engages Executive Director of the International Trade Centre (ITC) in His First International Meeting as Minister of Labour & Social Security



On Monday June 12, Minister Pearnel Charles Jr. held discussions with the Executive Director of the International Trade Centre (ITC), Ms. Pamela Coke Hamilton, his first international meeting in his new capacity as Labour Minister, in Geneva, Switzerland. Coke Hamilton is a Jamaican who has held the top position at the ITC since 2020.

Minister Charles departed the island on the weekend, with a delegation from the Ministry of Labour and Social Security, to attend the International Labour Conference in Geneva Switzerland. The International Labour Conference establishes and adopts international labour standards and is a forum for discussion of key social and labour issues.

The Minister and Ms. Coke Hamilton discussed areas of possible cooperation, especially as Jamaica charts the way forward in ensuring that the Labour Market is positioned to take advantage of the changing global landscape. Minister Charles spoke about the strong emergence of the platform economy since the Covid 19 pandemic, and the need to maximize the potential that lies in the digital landscape. “There are enormous opportunities for trade and labour. However we need to define the future labour market we want, and pursue the policies and initiatives that will enable us to achieve higher incomes for our people” said Minister Charles.

Ms. Coke Hamilton pledged the ITC’s support to Jamaica for research and further cooperation in respect of repositioning Jamaica’s work force in light of the emerging global landscape and the future of work. The parties agreed to continue discussions and work towards this objective.


Minister of Labour & Social Security, Hon. Pearnel Charles Jr., MP, (3rd from left) pictured with Executive
Director for the International Trade Centre (ITC), Ms. Pamela Coke Hamilton, (2nd from left) and Permanent
Secretary in the Ministry of Labour & Social Security, Mrs. Colette Roberts Risden, (1st l) along with a staff
member of the ITC, following their discussions.


Contact: MLSS Communication Unit (876) 967-5484
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06 Jun
By: Communications Advisor to the Minister 0


labour ministry with coat of arms





I have received a fulsome brief regarding the concerns raised by some farmworkers in Ontario, Canada. We continue to closely monitor the situation and I have instructed that the following be instituted:

1. I have requested a comprehensive report from the Chief Liaison Officer regarding the current issue and an update of general activities of the Jamaica Central Labour Organization (JCLO).

2. The Management Committee, chaired by Permanent Secretary Roberts Risden, will review protocols, guidelines and activities relating to delivery of service to our Farmworkers and provide recommendations for improvements at the Committee’s next meeting at the end of June.

3. Meetings will be held with stakeholders (employers, Liaison Officers, and Farmworkers), starting with our Canadian Liaison Officers tomorrow morning.

4. A meeting and review session will be held with the Fact-Finding team.

5. The Ministry will highlight previously established communication channels for farmworkers and identify additional platforms for them to freely communicate issues and complaints without fear of victimization.

Following meetings with all stakeholders, and based on the input received, we will make further determinations to implement additional protocols and guidelines to protect the integrity of the programme.

Finally, we would like to remind our Farmworkers of the established channels available to them and we encourage them to contact the Ministry directly on any matters of concern or the Liaison Service. Farmworkers are also encouraged to report employment breaches to Employment and Social Development Canada.

The Ministry of Labour & Social Security is reaffirming its commitment to ensuring that the rights of our Farmworkers are not infringed, and that they are provided with the living environments and working conditions that meet or exceed the standards as established by the Canadian authorities.



Communications Advisor to the Minister of Labour & Social Security, Pearnel Charles Jr.
1F North Street, Kingston, Jamaica Email:

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By: MLSS PR Unit 0

Normality to Return to Public School System on Monday following Labour Ministry Intervention

labour ministry with coat of arms

Communication Unit

1F North Street, Kingston

Tel: (876) 967-5484

Fax: (876) 948-2831

Friday, May 26, 2023


Normality to Return to Public School System on Monday following Labour Ministry Intervention



Following reports of Industrial Action by teachers in Government Administered schools yesterday, the Ministry of Labour and Social Security convened an emergency Conciliation Meeting between the Ministry of Education and Youth and the Jamaica Teachers’ Association at its North Street office today, Friday, May 26, 2023.

Arising from the meeting the parties have agreed to a resumption of normality, and all public schools are expected to resume normal operations on, Monday, May 29, 2023.

The parties have further agreed to continue talks with the Ministry of Finance and the Public Service on Tuesday, May 30, 2023.

The Ministry of Labour and Social Security continues to monitor the situation.



Contact: MLSS Communication Unit (876) 967-5484
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By: MLSS PR Unit 0

Labour Ministry Calls Emergency Conciliation Meeting with the Ministry of Education and the Jamaica Teachers Association

labour ministry with coat of arms

Communication Unit

1F North Street, Kingston

Tel: (876) 967-5484

Fax: (876) 948-2831

Thursday, May 25, 2023


Labour Ministry Calls Emergency Conciliation Meeting with the Ministry of Education and the Jamaica Teachers Association



The Ministry of Labour and Social Security has arranged an Emergency Conciliation Meeting between the Ministry of Education and Youth and the Jamaica Teachers’ Association, for Friday, May 26, 2023, in response to the reported Industrial Action being taken by teachers in Government Administered (Public) Schools across the island.

The meeting will be held at the North Street office of the Ministry of Labour and Social Security, commencing at 8:30 a.m.

The Labour Ministry will be attempting to have the current impasse between the teachers and the government amicably resolved within the soonest possible time



Contact: MLSS Communication Unit (876) 967-5484
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By: MLSS PR Unit 0

National Council for Senior Citizens Celebrates Centenarian Day 2023

labour ministry with coat of arms

Communication Unit

1F North Street, Kingston

Tel: (876) 967-5484

Fax: (876) 948-2831

Friday, May 19, 2023


National Council for Senior Citizens Celebrates Centenarian Day 2023



Jamaica celebrates Centenarians Day on May 20, 2023. The National Council for Senior Citizens (NCSC), a department within the Ministry of Labour and Social Security (MLSS), honoured eight outstanding senior citizens, aged 100 years and older across Kingston and St Andrew in observance of Centenarians’ Day 2023. This is largely influenced by the Ministry acknowledging the profound impact of these citizens’ contributions to nation-building.

Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Labour and Social Security, Colette Roberts Risden, expressed her profound respect for the centenarians “We are proud to honour our centenarians. Their tenacity, intelligence, and untiring spirit set an example for future generations. We express our sincerest appreciation for their service to our country and recognize their lasting contribution to shaping Jamaica.”

Centenarians Day 2023 serves as a reminder of the work and legacy of Jamaica’s senior citizens, and the National Council for Senior Citizens remains steadfast in its commitment to advocating for the well-being and rights of senior citizens.

Executive Director of the National Council for Senior Citizens, Cassandra Morrison, commented on the event: “Centenarian Day is a joyous occasion that allows us to honour the longevity and wisdom of our cherished senior citizens. We are grateful to meet with them and hear and learn from their stories. Our partnership with the Jamaica Memory Bank documents their experiences.

Echoing the same sentiments, Chairman of the NCSC, Grace-Ann Scarlett Duncan said, “Our centenarians represent a wealth of knowledge and experience that is invaluable to our country. We are proud to acknowledge and honour their remarkable lives, and we will continue our efforts to provide them with the care, respect, and support they deserve.”

Centenarian Day is a welcomed yearly tradition that stands as a most memorable one. This year, reigning Jamaica Festival Queen, Velonique Bowen patronized the centenarians and calls for young people to engage with seniors for a better society. The experiences and significant contributions of Jamaica’s centenarians color our rich history and offer invaluable gems of wisdom for the younger generations.



Contact: MLSS Communication Unit (876) 967-5484
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